Streamlabs OBS combines a general-purpose streaming tool with OBS to create an ultimate, free, yet powerful streaming tool. Auto-configuration of game settings based on PC’s, GPU, CPU, and display.NVIDIA-Ansel photo mode for professional-grade photographs.However, other than gameplay, you cannot stream anything else which is the downside of this software. It comes with all the basic features that are necessary for seamless streaming. That’s how NVIDIA shadowplay ensures optimum performance. One great thing about this streaming software is that it encodes features through the performance of GPU rather than slowing down your CPU performance.
If you own an Nvidia graphics card, the NVIDIA shadowplay is the perfect twitch streaming software for you. Multiple options for imagery filters and audio mixers
Intuitive audio mixer with per-source filters. High-performance real-time video/audio capturing and mixing. Besides, it also features innovative mixers and transitions that are helpful for an audio rendering. Advanced features such as color correction, image masking, and color keying make this software a powerful option for streaming. It offers plenty of recording and lives streaming features that one can enjoy and get used to. OBS Studio is the perfect software for starting off your streaming career. There is also a list of few things you need to consider before you choose the right software for you which we have listed below. Some of these software are ideal for beginners while some are more on the professional level. In the article below, we have listed the 10 best Twitch streaming software. But don’t worry, we’re here to ease your troubles. The problem is if you’re just starting off, streaming on your own can be a tough job. Platforms like Twitch have changed the game for gamers and streamers. Gaming and streaming have evolved in an unbelievable manner over the past few years.